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5 Signs to Never Ignore in Pets


Certain signs in pets can indicate underlying health issues that should never be ignored. If you notice any of these signs, it's important to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment: Changes in Appetite or Weight : Sudden changes in appetite, such as refusal to eat or excessive hunger, and unexplained weight loss or gain can be signs of various health problems, from dental issues to metabolic disorders.   Lethargy or Weakness : If your... Read More
5 Signs to Never Ignore in Pets  malta,  malta, Vetcare Animal Clinic malta

Litter Box Issues in Cats


Litter box issues in cats can be frustrating for both the pet owner and the cat. Here are some common reasons for litter box problems and steps to address them: Health Issues : Cats may avoid the litter box if they are experiencing urinary tract infections, bladder stones, or other medical issues. Consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health problems. Litter Preference : Cats may have preferences for certain types of litter. Experiment with different textures and... Read More
Litter Box Issues in Cats  malta,  malta, Vetcare Animal Clinic malta

Preparing your pet for Back-to-School routine


The back-to-school transition can be a significant change for pets, especially if they have become accustomed to having more time and attention from family members during the summer. Here are some tips to help your pets adjust to the changes that come with the start of the school year:   Gradual Adjustment: If your pet has been used to having the family around during the summer, start gradually adjusting their routine a few weeks before school starts. Gradually increase... Read More
Preparing your pet for Back-to-School routine malta,  malta, Vetcare Animal Clinic malta

Acupuncture Therapy


What is acupuncture?   Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese therapy used as a comprehensive treatment in both cats and dogs that suffer with mobility and chronic pain conditions. Even though it is a treatment used throughout all life-stages, it is an ideal treatment for calmer older patients who find therapy calming.   How does it work?   Acupuncture treatment technique which requires insertion of small fine needles into specific points through the... Read More
Acupuncture Therapy  malta,  malta, Vetcare Animal Clinic malta