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Precautions for Summer!

02th June 2023

Precautions for Summer! malta,  malta, Vetcare Animal Clinic malta

Summer is just around the corner!

Summer can be an enjoyable time for cats and dogs, but it's important to take certain precautions to keep them safe and comfortable in the heat. Here are some tips for summer care:
Hydration: Ensure that your pets have access to fresh, clean water at all times. Consider providing multiple water sources, especially if your pet spends time outdoors.
Shelter and Shade: Create shaded areas in your yard or provide access to covered outdoor spaces where your pets can seek refuge from the sun. Avoid leaving them outdoors for extended periods during the hottest parts of the day.
Exercise and Walks: Schedule walks and exercise sessions during cooler times of the day, such as early morning or evening, to prevent overheating. Hot pavement can burn their paws, so test the surface with your hand before taking them out.
Avoid Overheating: Keep your home adequately cooled and well-ventilated to prevent overheating indoors. Avoid leaving pets in hot cars, as temperatures can rise to dangerous levels within minutes, even with the windows cracked.
Grooming: Regularly brush your pets to remove excess fur and help them stay cool. However, avoid shaving them completely, as their fur provides insulation and protects against sunburn.
Bug Protection: Summer brings out insects like fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. Use appropriate preventive measures recommended by your veterinarian to protect your pets from these pests, such as flea and tick preventives or mosquito repellents.
Travel Safety: If you're traveling with your pets, ensure they have a well-ventilated and cool area to rest, access to water, and never leave them unattended in a parked vehicle.
Water Safety: Not all pets are natural swimmers, so closely supervise them around pools, lakes, or other bodies of water. If swimming, consider using a life jacket designed for pets.
Heatstroke Awareness: Learn the signs of heatstroke (excessive panting, drooling, rapid breathing, vomiting, lethargy) and seek immediate veterinary attention if you suspect your pet is suffering from it.