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Preventing dehydration in cats

04th July 2023

Preventing dehydration in cats malta,  malta, Vetcare Animal Clinic malta

Preventing dehydration in cats:

Encouraging your cat to drink more water is important for their overall health and well-being especially during the summer time. Here are some tips to help increase your cat's water intake:

  •         Provide fresh water: Make sure your cat has access to clean, fresh water at all times. Change the water regularly to keep it appealing and free from any impurities.
  •         Multiple water sources: Place water bowls in different locations throughout your home. Cats may prefer drinking from different bowls in various areas, so having multiple options can encourage them to drink more.
  •         Water bowl placement: Consider placing water bowls away from their food and litter box. Cats have a natural instinct to avoid water sources near their food or elimination area. Separating the water bowl can make it more enticing for them to drink.
  •         Water fountain: Some cats are attracted to running water. Consider getting a cat water fountain that circulates and filters the water. The flowing water can be more appealing and mimic their natural preference for moving water sources.
  •         Wide and shallow bowls: Cats tend to prefer wide and shallow bowls that don't interfere with their sensitive whiskers. Opt for bowls that are wide enough for them to comfortably drink from without their whiskers touching the sides.
  •         Different types of water bowls: Experiment with different types of bowls, such as ceramic, stainless steel, or glass. Some cats have preferences for certain materials, so try different options to see which one your cat prefers.
  •         Wet food and hydration: Incorporate wet or moist food into your cat's diet. Wet food has a higher moisture content, helping to supplement their water intake and keep them hydrated.
  •         Flavoring the water: Consider adding a small amount of low-sodium chicken broth or tuna juice to the water. This can provide a subtle flavor that entices your cat to drink more. However, make sure not to use excessive amounts or use flavored additives that contain harmful ingredients.
  •         Water toys and fountains: Some cats enjoy interactive toys that dispense water or small fountains specifically designed for cats. These can pique their interest and encourage them to play and drink water at the same time.
  •         Monitor health and consult a vet: If you're concerned about your cat's water intake or suspect they may be dehydrated, it's essential to consult with a veterinarian. They can assess your cat's health, provide specific recommendations, and rule out any underlying medical conditions that may affect their water consumption.