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Travelling with your pet

04th July 2023

Travelling with your pet  malta,  malta, Vetcare Animal Clinic malta

Traveling with your pet can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience.


Health requirements for pet animals entering Malta from the EU or vice-versa:


Pets animals of the species Dogs, Cats and Ferrets are in need of the following health requirements:

- An ISO identification - 15 digit microchip. The animal must be identified before the rabies vaccination as per the passport records.

- A rabies vaccine at 12 weeks of age. The rabies vaccine become valid 21 days after administration. Therefore you will not be able to travel with your pet during those days.

- A valid EU passport (You can book an appointment at the clinic to start the process)

- 21 days have to pass from the date of the rabies vaccination

- De-worming treatment between 24 hrs to 120 hrs prior entering into Malta. Dogs moving directly between Norway, Finland, Ireland, or the United Kingdom to Malta are exempted from the treatment against the tapeworm.

-The online pre notification needs to be submitted before coming back to Malta (Link attached below)



Some important considerations and tips to make the journey safer and more comfortable for both you and your pet:


  •         Plan in advance: Research and familiarize yourself with the travel requirements, regulations, and restrictions for pets at your chosen destination. This may include pet-friendly accommodations, airline policies, and any necessary documentation or vaccinations.
  •         Visit the veterinarian: Schedule a visit to the veterinarian before traveling. Ensure your pet is up to date on vaccinations, has a health check-up, and is issued any required travel certificates or documentation. Discuss any specific concerns or recommendations for your pet's travel needs.
  •         Crate or carrier training: Familiarize your pet with their travel crate or carrier well in advance of the trip. Make it a positive and comfortable space for them, so they feel safe and secure during travel. Gradually introduce short periods of confinement in the crate to help them adjust.
  •         Travel essentials: Pack essential items for your pet, such as food, water, medications, a leash, waste bags, bedding, toys, and any necessary grooming supplies. Familiar scents and familiar items can help comfort your pet in unfamiliar surroundings.
  •         Safety during transportation: If traveling by car, secure your pet in a carrier or crate or use a seatbelt harness specifically designed for pets. Avoid leaving your pet alone in a parked car, as temperatures can quickly become dangerous. For air travel, follow airline guidelines for transporting pets in the cabin or cargo area.
  •         Comfort stops and exercise: Take regular breaks during road trips to allow your pet to stretch, relieve themselves, and have some exercise. Bring a leash and choose pet-friendly rest areas or parks for these breaks.
  •         Travel anxiety and stress: Some pets may experience anxiety or stress during travel. Consult with your veterinarian about possible calming techniques or medications to help ease their anxiety. Familiar items, like blankets or toys, can also provide comfort.
  •         Hydration and feeding: Ensure your pet has access to fresh water throughout the journey. Feed them a light meal a few hours before traveling to prevent an upset stomach, and avoid feeding them a large meal during the trip.
  •         Patience and reassurance: Stay calm and provide reassurance to your pet during the journey. Your calm and confident demeanour will help them feel more secure and reduce their anxiety.

Important links:
- Requirements needed for your pet to travel:,days%20before%20leaving%20the%20country.

- Pre Notification Form: