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Benefits of using sunscreen in cats and dogs

31th July 2023

Benefits of using sunscreen in cats and dogs malta,  malta, Vetcare Animal Clinic malta

Using sunblock in cats and dogs is important for several reasons:

  •         Prevents Sunburn: Just like humans, pets can get sunburned from exposure to the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Sunburn can be painful and uncomfortable for pets, leading to redness, inflammation, and potential skin damage.
  •         Reduces Skin Cancer Risk: Prolonged exposure to UV rays increases the risk of developing skin cancer in pets. By using sunblock on vulnerable areas, such as the nose, ears, belly, and areas with thin fur or exposed skin, you can help reduce the risk of skin cancer.
  •         Protects Sensitive Areas: Pets with light-colored fur or white areas on their skin are more susceptible to sunburn and skin damage. Sunblock can provide a protective barrier to these sensitive areas.
  •         Supports Pets with Skin Conditions: Some pets have skin conditions that make their skin more sensitive to the sun. Sunblock can provide relief and protection for these pets when they need to be outdoors.
  •         Prevents Insect Bite Reactions: Sunblock can also act as a physical barrier against insect bites and stings, which can cause itching and discomfort for pets. It can reduce the chances of a pet scratching or licking at the affected area, which may lead to hot spots or further irritation.
  •         Safe Outdoor Fun: Using sunblock allows pets to enjoy outdoor activities, such as hiking, playing in the yard, or going to the beach, without the risk of sunburn or skin damage.

It is essential to use sunblock specifically formulated for pets. Human sunscreens may contain ingredients that are toxic to animals if ingested. Always consult with a veterinarian before using any sunblock or sunscreen on your pet, especially if they have specific health conditions or sensitivities. Proper application and reapplication as directed are crucial to ensuring your pet's protection and safety while outdoors.